International director

Jens Sejer Andersen

+45 2071 0701

Jens Sejer Andersen is a journalist, international director and founder of Play the Game, an initiative aiming at raising the ethical standards of sport and promoting democracy, transparency, and freedom of expression in world sport.

Through its 11 international conferences since 1997, its website, news production and research initiatives, Play the Game has become a unique platform for raising awareness on challenges to modern sport, such as corruption in organizations, match-fixing, doping, unsustainable mega-events and the need for more active sports participation policies.

Andersen has acted as a coordinator of several international research project aiming at raising governance standards in sport. The first was the EU-supported ”Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations” (2012-2013) which led to a new benchmarking tool for sports governance, the Sports Governance Observer.

This tool was first used in 2015 for the most comprehensive analysis so far on the governance of the 35 international Olympic federations. The SGO tool has later been refined and applied on 11 of the same federations in 2018 and 2019, and it is available for online benchmarking.

He is also coordinated the “National Sports Governance Observer” which enjoyed EU support from 2017-2018 and later evolved to include data from 25 countries around the world. Other projects include “National Anti-Doping Governance Observer” (2019-21) and “Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport” (2020-23).

Within the Council of Europe, Jens Sejer Andersen chaired the Consultative Committee for the Enlarged Partial Agreement on Sport (EPAS) 2016-2020. He is a member of the Permanent Consultative Committee of UNESCO and regularly attend expert meetings on sports integrity in the European Union.

Moreover, Jens Sejer Andersen is an active sports political commentator, and a frequent speaker at international conferences, having addressed several high-level conferences in the realms of UNESCO, the Council of Europe, and the European Union.

See the full CV for Jens Sejer Andersen

Pillen, der svækker dopingkampens hjerte

Jens Sejer Andersen

The pill that contaminated anti-doping worldwide

Jens Sejer Andersen

Building a home for the homeless questions in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

A kiss to mark the end of an era

Jens Sejer Andersen

En olympisk fred – på Ruslands betingelser?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Matchfixing i håndbold: Hva’ ka’ WACA?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Match fixing in handball: A reminder of the need for a World Anti-Corruption Agency

Jens Sejer Andersen

Kampen om idrættens værdier går i forlænget spilletid

Jens Sejer Andersen

Football may unite the world, but FIFA works to divide it

Jens Sejer Andersen

Dansk idræt skal spille med i kampen for det globale demokrati

Jens Sejer Andersen

Sport must choose between democracy and autocracy

Jens Sejer Andersen

Andrew Jennings (1943-2022), the incomparable

Jens Sejer Andersen

The work of improving sports governance has just begun

Jens Sejer Andersen

Italians rally to support an athlete

Jens Sejer Andersen

WADA won the battle, but lost the power to push victory

Jens Sejer Andersen

En løftet olympisk pegefinger til Europas sidste diktator

Jens Sejer Andersen

Olympic finger-wagging at Europe’s last dictator

Jens Sejer Andersen

The man who blew the whistle on his own corruption

Jens Sejer Andersen

FBI vs. FIFA: How deep an impact?

Jens Sejer Andersen

A decade that opened windows of democracy in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Governments step up their actions against sports corruption

Jens Sejer Andersen

Athlete activism: An omen for sport in the 2020's?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Will the rise of athletes’ power lead to the fall of empires?

Jens Sejer Andersen

The athlete’s right to have a voice

Jens Sejer Andersen

Kronprins i klemme

Jens Sejer Andersen

The games that are not really games

Jens Sejer Andersen

European politicians demand radical change of sports governance

Jens Sejer Andersen

The sanctions against Russia: A turning point for the IOC?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Why democracy matters in movement and sport cultures

Jens Sejer Andersen

The unsung heroes that bring us out of the dark

Jens Sejer Andersen

A playful democrat has passed away

Jens Sejer Andersen

Anti-doping: Give WADA more owners and strengthen global commitment

Jens Sejer Andersen

Play the Game holder debat om sportens ledelseskultur

Jens Sejer Andersen

Open letter: Sport owes a dignifying life to the whistleblower Mario Goijman

Jens Sejer Andersen

The Olympic contempt for clean athletes

Jens Sejer Andersen

IAAF launches far-reaching reform proposals

Jens Sejer Andersen

The IOC and Brazil: A mutual need for hope

Katia Rubio, Jens Sejer Andersen

Havelange 100 years: Sports leader in disgrace, Olympic guest of honour

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA’s forsigtige fremskridt

Jens Sejer Andersen

Infantino must act before the small cracks of light are covered again

Jens Sejer Andersen

Will FIFA give us reform – or give us the finger?

Jens Sejer Andersen

The year that killed the autonomy of sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA: Once again, more make-up than make-over

Jens Sejer Andersen

Pressure builds on FIFA leaders before crucial meeting

Jens Sejer Andersen

Personen Blatter træder tilbage, vil systemet Blatter fortsætte?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Blatter the person is going, will Blatter the system survive?

Jens Sejer Andersen

International idræt: Tid til handling

Jens Sejer Andersen, Henrik H. Brandt

Den globale idræts krise er Danmarks store chance

Jens Sejer Andersen, Henrik H. Brandt

Governments face global upgrade of their sports policies

Jens Sejer Andersen, Stine Alvad

IOC’s Agenda 2020: A cautious answer to terrifying challenges

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIVB accused of violating statutes to oust former presidential candidate

Stine Alvad, Jens Sejer Andersen

Volleyball president Graça seeks eight-year term to avoid age limit

Jens Sejer Andersen

Good governance in sport requires government engagement

Jens Sejer Andersen

Nyt FN-charter skal styrke den globale idrætspolitik

Jens Sejer Andersen

World volleyball president gave profitable contracts to family members

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brazil is the true world champion – of sports debate

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brasilien er de sande verdensmestre – i idrætsdebat

Jens Sejer Andersen

Is bad performance in sport connected to bad governance?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Krav om indsats mod matchfixing & korruption i sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

ICSS and Sorbonne University call for World Forum for Sports Integrity

Jens Sejer Andersen

World leaders in volleyball threatened by Brazilian corruption scandal

Jens Sejer Andersen

Downsizing Olympics: The Olympic spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak

Jens Sejer Andersen

2013: Rays of hope in a somber world of sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Opening speech: The democratic noise of sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Fencer, fighter and financier

Jens Sejer Andersen

Tokyo 2020: In the safe hands of the archer

Jens Sejer Andersen

A week of words awaiting sport – but will they lead to action?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brazil lacks national sports policy

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brazil ups fight against corruption, puts sport under pressure

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brazilian corruption fighters face resistance

Jens Sejer Andersen

The battle of Maracanã

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA’s nye etiske komité dumper sin første test

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA’s new Ethics Committee fails first test

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brasilien mangler national idrætspolitik

Jens Sejer Andersen

Kampen om Maracanã

Jens Sejer Andersen

VM og OL sætter fokus på korruption

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brasilien strammer op mod korruption

Jens Sejer Andersen

The Challenge for Europe in the Governance of Sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Gør fodboldens triste dag til festdag

Jens Sejer Andersen

Playing by the rules: Financial fair play and the fight against corruption in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Brasilien risikerer 'hvide elefanter'

Jens Alm, Jens Sejer Andersen

Brazilian stadium legacy may end up below international average

Jens Sejer Andersen, Jens Alm

Former FIFA director Champagne joins Play the Game day in Brazil, registration opens

Jens Sejer Andersen

Join the Play the Game day in São Paulo, Brazil, 24 October

Jens Sejer Andersen

Unanswered questions and unsung heroes

Jens Sejer Andersen

A taste of Play the Game at EASM 2012 in Aalborg

Jens Sejer Andersen

Former WADA-president Richard W. Pound goes to EASM 2012 calling for a stronger effort against corruption in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Corruptibilitis: A European remedy for a global epidemic?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Europe wants convention against match fixing

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA-reformator til Aalborg

Jens Sejer Andersen

Pieth’s prudent paper and Blatter’s play for time

Jens Sejer Andersen

Gun threat and desperation as police try to take over Mario Goijman’s home

Jens Sejer Andersen

No tears shed for Teixeira in Brazil, now it is FIFA’s turn

Jens Sejer Andersen

2012: A promising start for the villains of sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

From terrible to tragic: The situation of sports corruption fighter Mario Goijman

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA opens revolving door for anti-corruption heavyweight, leaving main dilemma unresolved

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA’s invisible transparency reforms

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA’s kaptajn styrer mod forlis

Jens Sejer Andersen

The Titanic challenge of Joseph S. Blatter

Jens Sejer Andersen

Danish FA Chairman calls for Interpol to investigate sports organisations

Jens Sejer Andersen

Sport: A battlefield for value fighters

Jens Sejer Andersen

Danmark langt fra indflydelse i IOC

Jens Sejer Andersen

Olympisk korruption: Er foråret på vej?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Countering corruption: Will spring come to sport?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Globalising football, protecting FIFA’s top leaders

Jens Sejer Andersen

Fodboldens djævleuddrivelse

Jens Sejer Andersen

The Magicians of Sport: How the Greatest Corruption Scandal in World Sport Vanished Before We Knew It Existed

Jens Sejer Andersen

Rogge rydder vejen for reformer – vil han betræde den?

Jens Sejer Andersen

Rogge clears the way for further reform

Jens Sejer Andersen

Wu: IOC should give moral support, but not interfere

Jens Sejer Andersen

IOC confirms establishment of betting control for future Olympics

Jens Sejer Andersen

IOC Vice-President sets out to curb governments and corrupt sports leaders

Jens Sejer Andersen

Samba Sim! New rhythms in the dance around the golden Olympic calf

Jens Sejer Andersen

Play the Game 2009 Call for Papers to be launched Monday 8 December

Jens Sejer Andersen

Photographer Niels Nyholm in memoriam

Jens Sejer Andersen

Two staff members leave Play the Game

Jens Sejer Andersen

Play the Game apologises to Jean-François Lamour, Vice-President of WADA

Jens Sejer Andersen

Towards a global coalition for good governance in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Small numbers, high ambitions when new volleyball federation was founded

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIABVB's credibility challenge from within

Jens Sejer Andersen

Manipulating Acosta may gain on world volley breakaways

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIVB congress spent hours on attacking former secretary general

Jens Sejer Andersen

FIFA softens towards EU whilst IOC sends mixed signals

Jens Sejer Andersen

Surprise agreement in Kenyan football, Munro still in the country

Jens Sejer Andersen

Kenyan government deports football developer Bob Munro

Jens Sejer Andersen

Deportation shows government’s disregard for democracy and its own people

Jens Sejer Andersen

IOC and FIFA in row with UEFA over EU intervention in sport

Jens Sejer Andersen

Historic merger in German sports

Jens Sejer Andersen

Danish foundation gives important grant to Play the Game

Jens Sejer Andersen

Idrætsfusk for retten i Schweiz

Jens Sejer Andersen

Rescuing sport from itself

Jens Sejer Andersen

Play the Game urges FIFA to speak up louder

Jens Sejer Andersen

Words of Welcome

Jens Sejer Andersen

Fight Against Doping: Scientists Voice Doubts

Jens Sejer Andersen

Victims of Passive Doping

Jens Sejer Andersen

Hunting the Shadows - (or: Just Don't Do It)

Jens Sejer Andersen