Athlete power and athlete representation
On this theme page, you can find news, comment pieces and other materials in the field of athlete power and athlete representation in sport.
Strengthening Athlete Power In Sport (SAPIS)
Play the Game and a number of project partners are currently involved in the project 'Strengthening Athlete Power In Sport', which is examining the extent of the ‘lack of voice’ for athletes, how it is distributed across European sport, and how models of better practices can best be developed.
Read more about the SAPIS project on the project website
Read the litterature review made by the project partners:
Strengthening athlete power in sport - A multidisciplinary review and framework
See the good practice guide, which aims to inspire athlete representatives and other stakeholders to empower athletes in the governance of their sports by sharing best practices and research findings: Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport - A guide to opening new ways in sports governance
See also the final report from the project: Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport - Final report