Publication, June 2023
Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport - A guide to opening new ways in sports governance
By sharing best practices and research findings, the guide aims to inspire athlete representatives and other stakeholders to empower athletes in the governance of their sports. The good practice guide is based on three years of research by the project ‘Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport’ (SAPIS), which has worked since 2020 to strengthen the influence and representation of athletes in their sports organisations.
Open publication
Publisher: Play the Game
Page Count: 28
ISBN: 978-87-93784-89-5 (pdf), 978-87-93784-90-1 (print)
The project ‘Strengthening Athlete Power in Sport’ (SAPIS) has worked since 2020 to strengthen the influence and representation of athletes in their sports organisations. It is supported by the Erasmus+ programme under the European Union and co-financed by the project partners.