PtG Article 11.04.2012

Website on Good Governance in International Sports Organisations calls for your contribution

Join us in the effort to make sports governance better. Visit Play the Game’s website for the EU funded project ‘Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations’ (AGGIS) to learn more about the project and to have your say.

The credibility of international sport is challenged almost on a daily basis by reports on corruption and mismanagement, whitewashing, match-fixing, embezzlement and other forms of cheating. 

Many of the stories are directly or indirectly related to the international organisations that represent hundreds of millions of athletes.

How can we improve the governance standards of these organisations? This is the question that Play the Game/the Danish Institute for Sports Studies is addressing in cooperation with six European universities and the European Journalism Centre.

The theme page has been set up as a forum for insights and ideas for good governance in sport and for sharing the findings of Play the Game’s EU funded project ‘Action for Good Governance in International Sports Organisations’ (AGGIS).

You can already now find information about the project, relevant articles on the fight for better governance, links to selected institutions and reports on good governance in international sports organisations and information about similar good governance projects. 

Play the Game and the project partners invite you and everybody with an interest in governance in sport to give your input to the page by submitting your thoughts, experiences, articles and reports, links or any other material related to the issue by writing to

You can also visit the project on Facebook and add your comments, thoughts, ideas or links.

You can find the page on or on