PtG Article 17.10.2022

Play the Game seeks new analyst

The Danish Institute for Sports Studies is looking for an analyst who can strengthen Play the Game's international work with sports policy and good governance.

Can you engage in the fight for a more democratic sport? Do you have strong skills in both quantitative and qualitative analysis? Can you translate knowledge into effective and credible communication?

If yes, you may be the analyst we are looking for to strengthen Play the Game's efforts for democracy, openness and freedom of expression in international sports.

Play the Game is a part of the Danish Institute for Sports Studies (Idan) which also houses the Danish Institute for Non-Formal Education (Vifo). Our task is to create an overview of and insight into sports and civil society nationally and internationally. We make independent analyses and bring evidence produced by ourselves and others into play in debates about the most current issues in sports and civil society.

Play the Game is an international leader in its field, and in the years to come we will, among others, focus on power structures, corruption, the European Model of Sport, and the use of sport as a political tool. We work both long-term and short-term to shed light on the darker side of sport, putting the challenges on the agenda and promoting sustainable solutions.

Our new analyst must be able to document a high professional standard in analysis and knowledge production, with good communication skills and a burning interest in the connection between sport and politics. We are initially looking to hire at the analyst level, but if you have many years of documented experience, senior analyst level is possible.

Primarily, you must have excellent skills in quantitative analysis methods and a good knowledge of qualitative research. You must have a flair for IT, be able to handle large amounts of data and derive relevant knowledge. You must be able to oversee a complex sports political landscape and have an eye for how knowledge can qualify the debate and set the agenda. Knowledge of international politics and/or sports policy will be an advantage. We expect you to have a relevant social science background based on, for example, political science or sociology.

You must have experience in designing and carrying out different types of analyses. You must be flexible in solving tasks and be able to work both independently and in collaboration with colleagues and external partners. You must think proactively and be able to manage projects and processes with several international partners. You must be curious about data, knowledge and political perspectives, just as you must be motivated to ask questions about negotiated truths and party submissions.

Last, but not least, you must have skills above average in oral and written English. To become fully integrated into our team, we require that you are willing to learn Danish over time. Knowledge of other main languages than English is an advantage.

Even if your primary affiliation is with Play the Game, your competencies will occasionally be required for other projects at the institute.

As our employee your main place of work will be our office in the heart of Aarhus, the capital of Western Denmark. You will be surrounded by 25 full and part-time skilful colleagues in an environment characterised by personal freedom, flexibility, and friendliness.

The first round of interviews will take place on Wednesday 23 November and the second round on Monday 28 November 2022, both in Aarhus. If you are selected for interview and travel from abroad, we may reimburse your expenses upon agreement or decide to complete the interview online.

Your contract will be negotiated on the basis of Danish labour agreements. We intend to fill the position as soon as possible after 1 January 2023.

For further information, please contact international director Jens Sejer Andersen at or managing director Troels Rasmussen at You may also check our websites,, and

Send your application and CV in English along with your exam certificates in one combined pdf file to, using “Play the Game analyst” as the subject line of your email, no later than Wednesday 16 November 2022 at noon CET.

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