PtG Article 18.06.2013

Massive protests in Brazil over public spending on mega-events

Protests over the rising costs of public transportation and the expense of hosting the 2014 World Cup have spread, leading as many as 200,000 protesters to march through the streets of Brazil’s biggest cities.

On Monday, protests were reported in 11 cities, the biggest protests taking place in Rio de Janeiro where around 100,000 people were gathered.

The protests began as a result of an increase in the cost of using public transportation in São Paulo, which led many Brazilians to pose the question of why Brazil is wasting great sums of money on hosting the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, when they could have been used for health or education, writes the BBC. 

Political leaders have also been accused of nepotism and corruption.Protesters argued that they were tired of poor public service and warned foreigners not to come to the World Cup because of the billions of dollars being spent on stadiums, writes BBC reporter Julia Carneiro. 

Sports Minister Aldo Rebelo warned protesters that the authorities would not let them disrupt the ongoing Confederations Cup and next year’s World Cup.

"The government assumed the responsibility and the honour to stage these two international events and will do so, ensuring the security and integrity of the fans and tourists," he said according to BBC.

Source: BBC

For more information about Brazil and the the upcoming mega-events, the challenges they present and the issues they create, go to Play the Game’s Theme page on Brazil