PtG Article 07.10.2009

AIPS president, Gianni Merlo, supports Play the Game call for action against corruption in sport

The International Sports Press Association has joined the call for action sent to the IOC president and members in an open letter during the Olympic Congress in Copenhagen.

According to Gianni Merlo, President of AIPS, corruption in sport is getting more widespread and he supports the Play the Game call for action against corruption in sport.

"AIPS supports the fight against corruption in sport. We must and will join the fight against this cancer which shamelessly seeks to poison sport," Merlo states.

"Governments must intervene to create a barrier which will defend the credibility of the results, in the absence of which, this world of sport is destined to become a ghetto managed by unscrupulous people. And it’s not only team sports that are threatened by illegality but also individual ones," he says, according to the AIPS website.

The AIPS has recently put a focus on corruption in sport at its 72nd annual congress earlier this year, where representatives from Italian lottery company SISAL, UEFA and Italian football clubs AC Milan and Inter Milan discussed corruption in football at one of the forums.

Read the open letter and join the call for action here.